Join Our Community Garden located near the Church of the Nazarene in Victor Montana.
We offer 40 - 20' x 20' plots with great sun exposure surrounded by a deer proof fence. We provide compost, mulch, tools and have an automated watering system that waters every night and a paid garden manager who is always happy to help new gardeners.
Pollinators abound with both fruit trees and a diverse native flower garden located in the center of the gardening area. We also have an innovative composting outhouse built by water systems designer Roger DeHaan with nearly all of the materials donated by local building supply businesses. (That compost is not for use in the garden, however.)
The garden was started in 2011 when SLS received grant funds and formed an agreement with the Church of the Nazarene to develop one acre of their pasture land for a community garden. A well was dug, a deer proof fence built, and an automated sprinkler system was installed. The garden was opened for business in April of 2012.
To apply for a plot, click here, and note in the comments that you're interested in the Victor Community Garden.
We require organic methods, and the annual fee for a plot is $35 per yearly season.